L’Herbier du Diois compte près de soixante salariés et présente divers pôles de compétences
L’Herbier du Diois, created in 1979 by Ton Vink, used to be a small structure of 4 employees. In the late ‘90’s the company grew at the rhythm of the demand in organic products. In 2005, l’Herbier du Diois took a new direction changing from a small-scaled production structure to a semi-industrial company under the leadership of a new manager: Tijlbert Vink, son of Ton Vink.

Tijlbert Vink
Sales team
Stéphanie Chaix, Aurélia Kuga, Axel Palisse, Marielle Segond, Hélène Wostyn
Purchase service
Juliette Pinault, Flora Bourbier, Thibaud Odeyer, Joaquim Carinha Cunha, Arkadiusz Parafiniuk
Quality department
Julie Marchand, Marie Carlier, Nathaëlle Coullet, Mélanie Falco, Mathilde Oddon
Agricultural project development France
Flora Bourbier
Accounting and social
Florent Girin, Marjon Huizenga, Estelle Le Corvic
Gaël Le Corvic
Maintenance and projects
Nicolas Bourbier, Patrice Monin, Willy Van Landeghem
Production / Order management
Julie Poindron, Pierre Buffet, Christine Chantelauze, Chloé Dal Negro, Elodie Marchand, Laura Masson, Julien Zaza
Production operators
Alice Barreau, Mauro Chessa, Ovidiu Cioban, David Delettre, Yves Goujon, Nicu Posa, Shahab Rotto Lawand, José Texeira, Dimitar Yanakiev, Dimitrina Yanakieva
Order pickers
Cathy Briançon, Jean-Philippe Deplat, Frédéric Jacquet, , Chloëlia Terrasse
Tinlé Agoyard, Jérémie Chamouton
Forklift operator
Anthony Berthaud, Saïd El Aamrani, Fabien Miera
Florence Martin
Marie Venturini, Lilie Venturini
Vehicle transport and maintenance
Jean-Marie Rousselet